For nearly 15 years, Renée has returned annually to Paris for long stays that allow her to think of it as a second home.

It has also been a great base for exploring the rest of France and other nearby countries like Ireland, Spain, Scotland, Switzerland, Italy and Greece. She shares her European travel experiences through social media and published travel articles.

In addition, as a cinephile, she belongs to two Paris-based film groups, including “Lost in Frenchlation,” which showcases newly released French films with English subtitles. She has also been a pitch-person for the Eatwith culinary program in Paris. Along with other expats and experts, she enjoys sharing her adventures with students living abroad. Renée makes friends on the street, in museums, in cafés, at concerts, and wherever the opportunity presents itself. 

Not all those who wander are lost.
— J.R.R. Tolkien